AppLogger by True Sparrow

One package to interact
with all caching engines

One package to interact with all caching engines

UniCache is an NPM package that provides singleton interface and behavior for Memcached, Redis and In-memory caching. Easily interact or switch between them in minutes!

  • UniCache - Learning curve made easy

    Learning curve made easy

    UniCache abstracts the unnecessary deviations between the base packages, in turn helping you learn about and interact with 3 different caching engines all at once.

  • UniCache - In-Memory Caching functionality

    In-Memory Caching functionality

    Singleton interface of UniCache is not only compatible with Memcached and Redis but also for In-Memory cache.

  • UniCache - Interact with multiple caching engines

    Interact with multiple caching engines

    If your backend is interacting with multiple caching engines, UniCache helps devlopers to reduce translation layer for input and output - thus reducing development time and effort.

  • UniCache - Consistent Outputs

    Consistent Outputs

    When using multiple caching engines simultaneously or want to switch between them, consistent output from UniCache will help in faster developement. Even exceptions are given out consistently.

  • UniCache - Backward and forward compatible

    Backward and forward compatible

    Be rest assured that your code will not need any further changes in order to use the upcoming base NPM package versions. UniCache will take care of it!

  • UniCache - AWS ElastiCache support

    AWS ElastiCache support

    UniCache is thoroughly tested and is fully compatible with ElastiCache for Redis and ElastiCache for Memcached.

Open Source

Open Source

UniCache is Open Source and an developer can start using UniCache for free. Check it out on GitHub

Save Time

Save weeks of time

Whether its handling 3 cache engines together or migrating between them, try UniCache - it's 3x faster!

Built for and by the Developers


Sunil Khedar

Founder & CEO

If you are using UniCache, you can switch between Memcached, Redis and in-memory caching engines as per your choice. Switching is easy because of the common interface. Moreover, you need not worry about the breaking code changes to be done when updating Redis / Memcached base libs.

Even integration is just a few lines of code, you will be up and running in no time!

How to integrate?
Get started in minutes for free!
  1. Install Node Module
  2. Refer usage documentation
  3. Start Integrating!
How to Integrate
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UniCache - True Sparrow

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